‘Deck The Walls’ Exhibit

These are works from the exhibit entitled ‘Deck The Walls’. (50 pictures)
Please click the thumbnails below to get the bigger picture in the windows to the right….

Gallery 1

A J McKerlie

Alice Cmoluch

Alice Cmoluch

Andrea Billard

Anglea Trudel

Cheryl Froechlich

Connie Fanning

Conrad Toma

Dan Rutsch

Doreen Stamp

Eric Jacobs

Eric Jacobs

Dave Suru

Felix Dubourdieu

Greg Paschke

Harpreet Toor

James Doran

Joanne Bradley
Gallery 2

Joanne Bradley

John Paskocil

John Paskocil

Jolly Aguilar

Joesphine Funaro

Joesphine Funaro

Judy Billard

Judy Billard

Ken Bidlock

Ken Bidlock

Kevin Wiersma

Leona Clawson

Leona Clawson

Leona Clawson

Leo Wong

Louis O’Coffey

Louis o’Coffey

Louis O’Coffey
Gallery 3

Louis O’Coffey

Margaret Wagner

Marla Petecki

Marla Petecki

Mary Lou Cardinal

Nicole Tkachuk

Nicole Whittington

Pricilla Howse

Priscilla Howse

Sara Willaims

Sara Willaims

Scott Berry

Scott Nattress

Ulrike Rossier