Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts – Contributors
> The more than 100 people who contributed over 1000 hours of volunteer labour to renovate the physical space.
> Click here to see photos.> The Board of Directors of the SKILLS Society
> Derek Heslop and the firm Manasc Isaac Architects Ltd.
> The Clifford E. Lee Foundation
> Alberta Lottery Fund Community Initiatives Program
> Robin Hood Foundation
> Westmount Christian Council
> Stollery Charitable Foundation
> Edmonton Community Foundation
> Alberta Community Development
> The Media
Some News . . .
The Nina Haggerty Centre celebrated its first anniversary on January 20, 2004! It has been a fantastic year, exceedingevery expectatin, and there are many people who have contributed to that success. In addition to those listed above, Lead Artist Paul Freeman must be recognized for his important contribution – taking a vision and turning it into reality. He was involved in every aspect of the Centre’s development in the early months, from washing the floors and helping with renovations to media spokeperson.
SKILLS Board of Directors approved a five-year lease on a vacant property, a $200,000 commitment, before any grants or donations had been approved. Just in time for Christmas, the Clifford E. Lee Foundation stepped forward with a grant that allowed the Centre to purchase all the art supplies and equipment needed to open its doors. The grant continued to cover the cost of art supplies for almost the entire first year.
The next big boost came with the approval of a generous grant from the Alberta Lottery Fund through the Community Initiatives Program. This grant allowed the Centre to continue its renovations, most notably of the gallery space. It also purchased a kiln, pottery wheels and supplies needed to expand the artistic program. The Centre celebrated its first anniversary by opening a small, onsite clay and pottery studio.
The Robin Hood Foundation and Westmount Christian Council each contributed the first donations to help offset the operating costs for the Centre. It remains a challenge to cover the costs of artist salaries, rent, and utilities.
The Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts received significant support to help meet this challenge when the Stollery Charitable Foundation stepped up the plate with a three-year grant that could be used to offset operating costs. This support came at a critical time -the free rent period granted by the landlord had come to an end and utility costs rose as the cold weather.
approached! In recognition of this contribution, the Nina Haggerty Centre proudly named its gallery “The Stollery Gallery”.
One of the conditions of the Stollery Charitable Foundation grant was that matching funds be raised each year. In November, the Edmonton Community Foundation approved a grant for operating funds that will allow the Centre to meet this condition in 2004. This was the largest grant approved by the Edmonton Community Foundation and the support of this prominent Foundation is greatly appreciated.
The Edmonton media has provided wonderful coverage of the Nina Haggerty Centre and its events, helping us to become known in the community. The Edmonton Journal, See Magazine, VUEWeekly Magazine, CBC Radio-Canada, ITV, Global News, A-Channel, The Big Breakfast, Shaw Cable TV, and the Edmonton Examiner have all contributed and their interest and support is also much appreciated.
In January 2003, the Nina Haggerty Centre opened its door with one artist working in studio alongside Paul Freeman. In September, 101 artists had come to try their hand at art making! By January 2004, there were 106 registered artists, with dozens more coming on a drop in basis to try out the experience of working in the studio.