In 1989, while on a discovery vacation to the ‘beautiful’ tropical island of Tobago, I spent a few days at Auntie Louise’s guest house. ‘Tante Lou’ as she was known to the locals, was a Baptist elder. She was somewhat of a ‘godmother’ to many of the people of Plymouth. After a day of wandering many beaches, hot climates, in and out of the salt water; my new sneakers ‘stunk’! I mean they were really ‘stinky’! To ‘save’ the other guests in the house, I put my shoes outside.
Before I knew it, there was Tante Lou at my door with my shoes in her hand. She explained to me that there were many thieves in the area, and that my sneakers wouldn’t last until midnight. Of course, she ‘understood’ why my shoes were outside and handed me a small bottle of her ‘special’ oil. She explained that the local boys don’t often wear shoes except to play soccer and to go to work. She also explained that a lot of them have a ‘severe stink’ problem with their feet and lower body part areas.
She urged me to try some of her ‘healing lotion’. I can tell you I am very glad that I did! The next evening after a day of wandering many beaches, I noticed that my shoes did not smell! It was like ‘instant’, never to be a problem again!
“Tante Lou left us in 1998, but she gave me her all natural healing blend of oils to share with the world!”
~ Earl de Vries, Founder
After many controlled tests, Tante Lou’s ‘Wonder’ Foot Lotion has proven to be the ‘finest’ product on the market and to support that claim, ARUBAPAK Inc. will ‘challange’ the ‘stinkiest’ feet in Canada!